Wiki Student seeking some answers for externship


Toledo, OH
Best answers
Hello everyone,

I am a graduating student finishing up my coding externship at my current employer. I have been given the resposibility of figuring out how the non profit organization I am working for can bill for our services. Since I am a student this task is a bit overwhelming and I am seeking some help from all of you professionals out there, if you are able. I would appreciate any advice or guidance anyone can give me.

A short explanation of what we do is:
We are a NPO that assists cancer patients in our local community called Cancer Connection of NW Ohio. We do patient assessments to figure out what kind of coordination of care/resources are best for each patient specifically, do monthly check up/progress calls to all active patients, supply resources that are helpful to each patients personal situations, support programs, educatonal information, financial guidance, and also accompany patients to their oncology appointments and work as patient advocates. We have a specific program fro our pediatric cancer patients, as well.

I have tried calling Medicare to ask some questions but I keep getting shuffled around or vague answers. Right now I am focusing on trying to find codes that would work to make sure it is worth the time and money of acquiring an NPI number.

Please please please if you have any ideas/suggestions/guidance reach out. Thank you in advance :)
First we need to know what kind of licensed professionals you have - who is providing services?

Acquiring an NPI number is fast and free, that is not the issue.
First we need to know what kind of licensed professionals you have - who is providing services?

Acquiring an NPI number is fast and free, that is not the issue.
I double checked and the only license individual is a Licensed Massage Therapist but she can no longer offer the massage program, unfortunately. Our founder explained it as most of our services are ancillary. I personally do the patient calls/progress notes in their charts monthly. The founder and vice president go to oncology appointments with the patients. I hope this is helpful. I'm really struggling here.