Wiki Stress test 93000 93018


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billing a 99215 with a 25 modifier. The other codes are 93000 and 93018 are being billed. the insurance company is kicking the stress test out due to 93000 is included in the 93018.

My question is would this warrant a 59 modifier on the 93000 due to both were performed and a modifier is allowed.

need some help please:confused:
Why aren't you billing 93015 for the stress EKG? 93000 is a 12-lead EKG, without the pharma. The 93018 is not reportable with the 93000, because 93000 is a global code including the interpretation and report, so even with a modifier, it's not correctly billed.
Just started working with cardio - the physician gives the codes. when questioned this what they say need to get billed. After looking up everything it just came into question. due to it being included and needing a modifier to support billing for both. At the point i did not think using a modifier 59 is justified.

i will look into the code you said. Thank you for your help.:)
ok, i see what they did. The physician did the 93000 in the office and the patient did the shape test some where else and the physician did the reading of it in the office