Wiki Stress Test -- 2 physicians


Cape Coral, FL
Best answers
Good morning,

A really silly, silly question.....however, there is a difference of opinion than mine which is ok, though we need to do it correctly.

If you have 2 physicians for a stress test, one for the stress portion- 93015 and one to read the SPECT 78452 - the radiopharmaceuticals (Lexiscan/Sestamibi) and aminophyllin should be billed out under the stress doctor correct?

Thank you in advance.
I see where you're coming from so I say, yes and no. Personally, I would bill the drugs under the provider that administered the drugs and "owned" them, so-to-speak. We don't have our docs designated as 'stress' doc do maybe I'm not following you 100%. At any rate, I would also make sure each physician understood what portion(s) he were providing so the billing makes sense to everyone involved. This would be especially important if they physicians were in different offices as to capture his/her respective role.