Wiki still looking for help


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My previous question was this:
Help please, I'm stuck. Patient had cecal perforation after chemo for leukemia. A colonoscopy was requested prior to reanastomosis. How do I code this. Do I use late effects of radiation? No biopsys were done but he does have a person history of colon polyps.
Now my question is would 540.0 be the correct dx code for this?
Does your op-note have any other pre-op info? Or a detailed HPI?
Did they have any type of temporary ostomy and this is a pre-op take down?

Not the same scenario, but we use v-codes for colonoscopy prior to colostomy take-down. Depending on carrier guidelines, we use v67.09 or

540.0 is acute appendicitis with perf/peritonitis code, so it doesn't sound like that's the code you want.

Hope this helps!