Wiki Steroid Epidural for Pain Management

Souix Falls, SD
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Does anyone know how to apply the order for a steroid epidural in the decision making portion of the 95 E/M auditing tool?

My provider has ordered an epidural for pain management during an office visit. I am auditing the visit to determine the appropriate level but don't know where the epidural falls in the medical decision making area of the audit tool. Is it considered an elective major surgery with no identified risk factors? We do the epidurals in the office.

I would appreciate any help with this!!!
Does anyone know how to apply the order for a steroid epidural in the decision making portion of the 95 E/M auditing tool?

My provider has ordered an epidural for pain management during an office visit. I am auditing the visit to determine the appropriate level but don't know where the epidural falls in the medical decision making area of the audit tool. Is it considered an elective major surgery with no identified risk factors? We do the epidurals in the office.

I would appreciate any help with this!!!

I put it in the Elective Major surgery with no Ident. Risk Factors. I haven't seen any written guidance on this, just using my judgment.