Wiki Stent Code - graft study


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Any help on this would be great.

My doctor did a CCLV with a graft study & placement of stent on a patient with CAD, hx of MI, positive stress test. My question is what code to use for the stent placement.

Catheter was placed in the ostium of the right bypass graft. Wire was used to cross lesion and balloon was used to predilate the area and the placed a 3.0 x 15 resolute medicated stent.

Impression; Successful balloon angioplasty and stenting to the native PDA distal to the tie down of the saphenous vein graft to the right coronary artery.

My thought was CPT code 92941 for the stent. Is this correct??
92941 would be for a current the mi current or as the email states "history of"...I think maybe if it went thru a vein graft you could use 92937...Sandy:)
I was actually thinking of 92937 but wasn't sure. Since it was not a current MI but a history of and doctor went thru the graft. Thank you for helping me.