Wiki Status Post


Dayton, PA
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If I have a patient that had surgery for a medial meniscal tear arthroscopy

They come in for a follow up still in the Global Period and the Diagnosis is: Status post and Osteoarthritis same knee and an injection is done.

Can the injection be coded with a modifier 79 with a separate E/M code with a modifier 24 or would this not be coded due to the injection was in the same area of the surgery and be part of the global period and be considered pain management?

Thank you,
status post

I wish someone would have answered your question as I run into the same situation. I am new to ortho coding but if I had to code this, this is how I would do it, too. But like I said I'm no expert!
If I have a patient that had surgery for a medial meniscal tear arthroscopy

They come in for a follow up still in the Global Period and the Diagnosis is: Status post and Osteoarthritis same knee and an injection is done.

Can the injection be coded with a modifier 79 with a separate E/M code with a modifier 24 or would this not be coded due to the injection was in the same area of the surgery and be part of the global period and be considered pain management?

Thank you,

I would feel comfortable charging for the injection for OA, I would put 79 on it.
I would not charge any e/m.....established e/m related to the injection is included in the injection rvu.
arthroscopy PMM does not address OA, your doc probably told pt that at the time of surgery.
If I have a patient that had surgery for a medial meniscal tear arthroscopy

They come in for a follow up still in the Global Period and the Diagnosis is: Status post and Osteoarthritis same knee and an injection is done.

Can the injection be coded with a modifier 79 with a separate E/M code with a modifier 24 or would this not be coded due to the injection was in the same area of the surgery and be part of the global period and be considered pain management?

Thank you,

I've coded this scenario before...

Since an injection is given in the same knee that the surgery was done and it's in the global period, you can only code a 99024; you cannot code a separate E/M code since this is the same knee that was operated on even though the diagnosis is different (MMT versus OA). You can code the injection (20610) so long as your provider documents that it was medically necessary.