Wiki status post cataract removal

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Status post catarat removal code is V45.61. I was wondering if the status post cataract removal code will always have a lens replacement code V43.1 as an additional diagnosis. My supervisor says they always go together but I am trying to find proof if they really do belong together. Is it necessary to have lens replacement after every cataract surgery.
I found a very informative link for you. From what I read, it seems that, yes, theygo hand in hand. However, if we're talking about the coding standpoint, I would not code the replacement unless it is so stated. That's just me, though. Maybe others will disagree. Anyway, here you go!

How is cataract eye surgery performed?

Throughout the United States and around the world, more than 1.4 million people have cataract eye surgery each year, and a high percentage of those treated regain useful vision.

The most common type of cataract eye surgery performed in the U.S. today is an outpatient procedure using a process called phacoemulsification. During this surgery, the surgeon makes a tiny incision and uses high-speed ultrasound waves to break the cataract into tiny pieces that are then removed.

The surgeon will then replace the lens with a clear intraocular lens (IOL) implant. IOLs are designed to perform most of the functions of the natural lens. They are made of special materials that require no care and will not be rejected by the eye. Cataract lens replacement options vary in material type and strength, as do glasses or contact lenses, and are selected to improve the eye's focusing ability.

Hope this helps! :D
Thank you so much. This is exactly what my argument has been, I would not code the lens replacement status if it is not mentioned. anyways thank you.