Wiki status of chronic problem


weymouth, MA
Best answers
What is required for documentation for a status of a chronic problem? Specifically for 3 chronic problems to count towards a level 4 history?

Does anyone have any information on this so I can pass onto my providers to educate them?

Thank you in advance!
What is required for documentation for a status of a chronic problem? Specifically for 3 chronic problems to count towards a level 4 history?

Does anyone have any information on this so I can pass onto my providers to educate them?

Thank you in advance!

Below is a link to Novitas website which would explain status of chronic conditions. I've also copied the FAQ on the same. Hope this helps

6. What is meant by "Status of chronic conditions"?
In 1997, the Evaluation and Management (E/M) Guidelines were enhanced under the History of Present Illness (HPI) section of the 1995 score sheet to include the patient's chronic conditions the practitioner is following or in which an exacerbation may have occurred resulting in the chief complaint and the reason for the patient encounter. The documentation in the patient's medical record must clearly state a status of the chronic condition in order to meet the requirement under the History: HPI Status of 1, 2, or 3 Chronic Conditions on the 1995 score sheet. An example could be: hypertension - stable on Atenolol.

Date Posted: 10/05/2009, Date Reviewed: 10/20/2014
