Wiki Status of 3 chronic conditions


Local Chapter Officer
Wichita, KS
Best answers
We were recently debating something and so I thought I would ask my fellow AAPC members for your input...

When saying that you have an Extended HPI due to the status of 3 chronic conditions, how do you define 'status'? Would 'diabetes, hypertension, RA' suffice? Or does the provider need to give more detail such as diabetes-insulin controlled, HTN-stable and so on?
Just listing chronic conditions would only qualify for past history in my office. I request that the actual status of the condition be clear. Such as glucose control, what meds they are taking--and how it affects them, etc.

status should be documented as ----Condition(?)--Improving. Stable. Or worsening while on current regimen of ....
Thanks so much for the feedback! I completely agree with what you both said...thanks for confirming that I am not being too harsh for asking for more than just the presence of chronic conditions.