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I took my proficiency test on Thursday evening and passed with a 92%, but when I go to verify my credentials, it still states that I haven't taken the exam yet. Is there something I need to do, or does it take a little while to update? :confused:
Exam results

First off congratulations to you. I have taken mine last Saturday and just realized that the website has a malfunction, because it says the last time I was on here was 12/9/15 and I have been waiting anxiously. How did you find out your results? Kim
First off congratulations to you. I have taken mine last Saturday and just realized that the website has a malfunction, because it says the last time I was on here was 12/9/15 and I have been waiting anxiously. How did you find out your results? Kim

Go into Blackboard, and on the left side under Tools it will say 'View Scores'. Click that and it will say your score out of 75. Hope you passed! :D
I took mine on Thursday as well and passed, however, I don't see where to print off my certificate. Has anyone else been able to?
I took mine on Thursday as well and passed, however, I don't see where to print off my certificate. Has anyone else been able to?

I did mine on a Saturday and it took a week to update. AAPC is typically closed on weekends (open via chat Saturday for ICD-10 issues) so if you just took it Thursday its going to be available in the next couple days.