Wiki STAR Measure Documentation | Pain Scale

Bradenton, FL
Best answers
Good Morning,

Looking to see if anyone has some feedback on the intent of this measure? I am seeing providers document conflicting information in PG notes i.e.; HPI says no pain and the A&P has a diagnosis of low back pain. There is a perception in my org that in this case pain in the A&P supersedes the conflicting statement of no pain in the HPI.

At times pain scale is zero, but the provider has documented pain.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Nicole Martin, CPC, CHC
From everything I know about this measure, using the 0-10 scale is sufficient, although it sounds like Medicare would rather you use a standardized tool or scale. But if the provider says "low back pain" as a diagnosis, you can submit 1125F. If they didn't mention any pain in the HPI or ROS, that's not going to stand up to an audit, because the provider didn't take us from A to B.