Wiki staple removal


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does anyone know the proper procdure code for removing 30 staples put in by ER in another state & subsequent application of steri strip ?
I believe you'd use an E/M level - (whatever documentation supports) along with the V58.32 for a dx. There isn't a procedure code for the removal of sutures only (UNLESS it's under anesthesia 15850 area of CPT)
Staple Removal

And for being under anesthesia means like in a twilight under or just a local anesthesia like a numbing agent like lidocaine? I am having that issue as well I know the E/M code but my phyisican says she has had people bill before for a staple removal and I couldn't find anything in the CPT book for a staple/suture removal besides the under Anesthesia but then I wondered if Like under in twlight or just a local anesthesia like lidocaine>
If it is still in the surgical global you bill the procedure code used by the other phyaician plus the 55 modifier. And anesthesia means general anesthesia not lidocaine.
Staple Removal

Okay so there is no CPT code for staple remover? So I would just need to code the f/u inury, staple removal with CPT E/M and no other codes to this, because we did no numbing or put them under here at the clinic?
Staple Removal by different PCP

I have a physician questioning whether it would be appropriate to use "foreign body" removal code for staple removal. Anyone seen this billed this way?
That is inappropriate to use that dx code. There is a V code for suture/staple removal encounter and that is what must be used as a dx code. It is not a foreign body as it was intentionally put there under sterile conditions