Wiki Standing Orders for Billers and Coders


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Does anyone have 'standing orders' that billers and/or coders are able to change without providers permisson? Examples correct dx sequencing or codes related to age to correct? Any information you are able to share would be quit helpful.
This depends on your employer's policy.
Some companies will not allow anyone other than the provider to change.
Some companies will only allow certified coders to change.
Some companies will let anyone change.
When I was in a private practice, anyone in the billing department with the appropriate knowledge could change any code.
Now that I work for a large healthcare system, either the provider, or any certified coder may make changes.

My opinion is that unless your providers receive a fair amount of coding training and education, others with more skill in that area should be able to correct codes without provider's permission. In fact, in general, I don't believe providers should be coding. Let them focus on patient care, which is what they were trained to do. Let coders focus on guidelines and rules, which is what they were trained to do.
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Does anyone have 'standing orders' that billers and/or coders are able to change without providers permisson? Examples correct dx sequencing or codes related to age to correct? Any information you are able to share would be quit helpful.

Honestly, I make whatever changes are necessary for the coding to accurately reflect the documentation. I do not ask for permission - I'm matching the coding to what the provider has documented in the record.

(I've heard that some providers are touchy about having their codes changed, though I'd have a hard time working for one like that. My providers have amazing clinical expertise, but they aren't trained coders. Nor do they want to be - that's what they have me for.) :)