Wiki Spot Check Code DERMATOLOGY


Wayne, PA
Best answers
I work in a dermatology office and many times we have patients come in for "a spot on the back" (this is for ones that they say are not painful and that have or have not notices changes in) the doctor looks at it and charges and OV but they do not biopsy it therefore not confirming that it's a DN, SCC, BCC etc what would be the correct ICD-9 code to use for diagnosis where the notes are limited or state something like possible nevus possible ISK? etc Any help is greatly appreciated!!!! THANK U:D
When my dermatologist see a patient concerned about a spot and doesnt perform a BX- he DX is usually Nevus 216._
A skin lesion with no pathology is coded as a 709.9 or 709.8 not 216, you need a path report for that dx code.
Look in the alph under the key word Lesion: skin it will lead you to 709.9
I thought it was 709.9 that's what I was telling my co woker that the DR writing 216. what ever on the bill was incorrect since there was no path. Thank you for your opinions and share of knowledge!