Wiki Split Billing help

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I need backup please! One of my surgeons is fighting with me because he wants to bill two separate claims for an EGD and Colonoscopy, same patient, same date of service, same operative session. I keep telling him that this is not allowed, my theory is that he wants the full RVU's for both procedures and doesn't care about the claim being denied. Does anyone have any idea where I can find in writing that this is an improper billing practice. Really need help with this one.

I need backup please! One of my surgeons is fighting with me because he wants to bill two separate claims for an EGD and Colonoscopy, same patient, same date of service, same operative session. I keep telling him that this is not allowed, my theory is that he wants the full RVU's for both procedures and doesn't care about the claim being denied. Does anyone have any idea where I can find in writing that this is an improper billing practice. Really need help with this one.


I am not certain you will find it written anywhere, however it will not stop the reimbursement from being what it is suppose to be. One of 3 things will happen,
1. both claims pay as though it was billed as one
2. only the first claim will pay the other will deny as a duplicate
3. both claims will pay at 100%, however a refund will be requested later with interest.