Wiki Spinal Surgery


Spartanburg, SC
Best answers
I don't think I agree with irrigation and debridement as the physician as stated. Can any of you help?

Postoperative Diagnosis: Deep infection, lumbar spine wound
Operation: Irrigation, debridement, and exploration of lumbar spine wound at L5-S1

Operative Procedure:
Back prepped and draped for back surgery. Using previous incisional scar and opened the wound, did not encounter a pus pocket as we had anticipated, but easily dissected with finger pressure just down to the laminotomy, went down to the disc space, removed the dura toward the midline, and took granulation tissue and cultures, but no additional bone removed. Did not ever encounter an area that we knew to be pus. A lot more oozing of blood than usual attributed to combination of previous surgery, but we also believe the patient has been on Plavix. After we got the cultures, we applied a wound VAC and then too the patient to the recovery room.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!