Wiki Spinal cord stimulator - My supervisor wants me to look


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
My supervisor wants me to look into spinal cord procedures, they are thiNking about do some procedures down at our ASC . I never coded there cases before, Iam guessing these code are 63650-63688, not sure though, and if these are payable in asc , implants etc ? any suggestions or web sites well help, she told me to look up
insertion of spinal cord stimulator 63650???
insertion of intrathecal morphine pump 63660-62365 ?
insertion of intrathecal baclofen pump ?????
endoscopic venntriculo- peritoneal shunt insertion 62160
insertion of deep brian stimulator generator --61863??

Again, Iam not sure if there codes are correct , I am guessing, so any intakes please help, trent
I'd be looking at 63685 and 63650 for insertion of a spinal cord neurostimulator. Also, there is the suppy side for the hardware/implants. If you know the vendor you're going to be purchasing from, call them up and they'll generally supply you with a quick reference guide for procedures and implantables.

For intrathecal drug delivery 62362, 62350 and the supply codes. Again, you should be able to get reference guide from the vendor. There are programmable and non-programmable pumps and that will affect the HCPCS code. Medicare rolls the cost of the implants into the procedure and I code for and ASC so we use Revenue Codes for almost all other carriers except W/C and Blue Shield per our contract.
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