Wiki Specialty consult in ER

knoxville, TN
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If an ER doc calls for a consult with Cardio, Ortho or any other specialty while the pt is in the ER what POS do you use for that specialty consult? ER or OPT? Pt is never admitted-only seen in ER.
You would use ER since that is where the service is being rendered. If the patient is not medicare you can use Outpatient consult codes and if the patient is medicare you would use the ER visit codes for billing
Quick question concerning answer

You would use ER since that is where the service is being rendered. If the patient is not medicare you can use Outpatient consult codes and if the patient is medicare you would use the ER visit codes for billing

If the patient is seen on the Cardiology floor in the hospital, not admitted but, General Surgery is consulted, would this be considered an ER code or OP consultant codes (NP or EP)? Please advise. I'm getting conflicting information. This is a Medicare patient. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You!
Michele Bauman, CPC