Wiki speciality code 95 placement

Missy H.

Best answers
Is there a specific order for the MRI modifers? Where does the new specialty code 95 go?
Hi There,

I found an answer on this site:

February 21, 2011
My question is a follow-up to the answer to the February 7 question about the new specialty code 95. Where does this code go? I have read that it should be added to a paper application or in PECOS, but I cannot find it anywhere on the 855B. The CMS memos are out there but they don't tell us what to do with the code. Can you help?

Unfortunately, the guidelines coming from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are not comprehensive, but here is what we have “heard.” On either April 1 or July 1, providers who are accredited may assign specialty code 95. The delay is because there is not enough space on the paper claim for this code. We haven't heard whether this also is the case for the electronic version.

Once CMS decides upon the effective date, providers will put specialty code 95 in the same location on the claim where they now designate their specialties (e.g., IDTF, radiologist, cardiologist, etc.). Note, again, that only if you have accreditation will you assign specialty code 95 in addition to your specialty. We will keep you informed when CMS issues more definite guidelines.

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