Wiki Southern Arizona CPC-A looking for 1st position

Arthur Blank

Tucson, Arizona
Best answers
Hello All,

Here is my background: 27 years of distinguished Federal Government service working for the Federal Aviation Administration. 13 years in various levels of management. I have always been interested in health care so I trained to become a Certified Professional Coder. I completed a 6 month prep course for certification in 6 weeks and scored a 100% on the anatomy section and a 90% on the CPC/ICD-9 section.

I took the National Board Exam from the AAPC and passed on the 1st attempt with a score of 86%.

I then took an ICD-10 prep course and completed it scoring a 91% on the final. I took the timed proficiency exam and scored a 92% on the 1st attempt.

Since then I've completed an E/M course and continue to attain CEU's.
I have attempted to get an externship without success. I have called recruiters, tried volunteering my time, networking and have exhausted all my avenues attempting to get placed.

I have applied for just over 100 positions in the various medical facilities in the Tucson Valley. Out of those 100 applications, I was called for 1 interview. I interviewed well but was passed over for someone with 6 years of experience.

I am not frustrated because I see this problem nationwide. I shall stay tenacious and perhaps one day someone will give me a chance.

If anyone who reads this wants to give me at least an interview to see what I am capable of, I'd surely would not be wasting your time.

Thank you for reading this.

Kindest Regards,

Art Blank, CPC-A

(Update: I have finally received an offer to work as a Certified Professional Coder for an Orthopedic Physicians office in southern Arizona...)
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