Wiki Someone please verify my coding to prove a point

Love Coding!

Tempe, AZ
Best answers
Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease 3 , with benign hypertension, along with diabetic nephropathy NOS. Currently on insulin, diabetes type II controlled. This patient is being seen by a nephrologist for chronic kidney disease. How would you sequence the codes?

I would code as:

1. 403.90
2. 250.40
3. 583.81
4. 585.3
5. V58.67

Thank you :)
Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease 3 , with benign hypertension, along with diabetic nephropathy NOS. Currently on insulin, diabetes type II controlled. This patient is being seen by a nephrologist for chronic kidney disease. How would you sequence the codes?

I would code as:

1. 403.90
2. 250.40
3. 583.81
4. 585.3
5. V58.67

Thank you :)

Anyone? Please :)