Wiki Smoking Cessation - list of dx codes


Carolina Beach, NC
Best answers
2 questions with regard to smoking cessation:

1. If a patient presented for a wellness exam and the provider asked if they smoke and the patient said "yes, but I do not want to quit" do you think it is appropriate for the provider to add 305.1 (tobacco use disorder) to the list of dx codes that were found on exam?

2. If a patient made an appointment to discuss tobacco cessation and that's all that was discussed, with a problem focused Hx and Exam, and 3-10 mins counseling, what would you code? A 99213 w/99406, 99212 w/99406, 99213 alone, or 99212 alone? Please give rationale.

Thanks for all your thoughts ideas and help!
2 questions with regard to smoking cessation:

1. If a patient presented for a wellness exam and the provider asked if they smoke and the patient said "yes, but I do not want to quit" do you think it is appropriate for the provider to add 305.1 (tobacco use disorder) to the list of dx codes that were found on exam?

2. If a patient made an appointment to discuss tobacco cessation and that's all that was discussed, with a problem focused Hx and Exam, and 3-10 mins counseling, what would you code? A 99213 w/99406, 99212 w/99406, 99213 alone, or 99212 alone? Please give rationale.

Thanks for all your thoughts ideas and help!

If the visit was strictly for tobacco cessation I would only code the appropriate code for 99406-99407 based on the amount of time spent. I would not code for an e/m unless a separately identifiable condition/illness was addressed.