Wiki smoking cessation for Medicare


weymouth, MA
Best answers
What is considered an underlying condition for smoking cessastion for Medicare? Ive always knew copd and asthma counts . But I was recently asked about diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Does this meet medical nessesity to use 99406/99407.

This is from the website:
Claims for smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling services shall be submitted with an appropriate diagnosis code. Diagnosis codes should reflect: the condition the patient has that is adversely affected by tobacco use or the condition the patient is being treated for with a therapeutic agent whose metabolism or dosing is affected by tobacco use.
NOTE: This decision does not modify existing coverage for minimal cessation counseling (defined as 3 minutes or less in duration) which is already considered to be covered as part of each Evaluation and Management (E/M) visit and is not separately billable.

So I would query the provider to see if it exacerbates the conditions.
Sorry the entire paragraph did not copy and paste for me. Here is the remainder:
"Claims for smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling services shall be submitted with diagnosis code V15.82, history of tobacco use, or 305.1, non-dependent tobacco use disorder.