Wiki Sleep Center Conversion from HOPD to Ambulatory Practice


Lutz, FL
Best answers
My company will be transitioning a sleep center that's currently owned by a hospital to an ambulatory (office) practice. Is there anything billing related that we should be aware of in this transition? I was looking for guidance on global vs split 26/TC billing for the technologist supervised studies, but not finding much. My understanding is a provider is not on site and the read will be done from another office under POS 11. (provider does not work out of the sleep center itself)

Since both the 26 and TC components are being performed under the same TIN is it correct to bill global under POS 11 and get paid? Should we still split the charges and bill the read separate of the center?

The home based studies appear straight forward, so it's the studies performed in the center itself that are our concern. Any guidance or sources as to correct billing practices would be much appreciated! My MAC is Noridian if that helps.