Wiki SkinTE graft


Bakersfield, CA
Best answers
Does anyone have any information on how to bill for skinTE harvesting and then placement at a later date? Medical providers take a small, full-thickness skin sample from the patient (autologous) and returns it to PolarityTE in the provided parcel. PolarityTE manufactures SkinTE. SkinTE is contained within a syringe and is returned to provider in all-inclusive Deployment Box as soon as same day, and typically within 48-72 hours based on providers’ requests. Provider applies SkinTE to patient’s wound/defect, covers with dressings and cares for wound/defect similar to standard of care for skin grafts. HCPCS code for this is Q4200. I felt 15040 was appropriate for harvest and prep of the recipient site would be okay but since this is applied as paste like substance there is no way to "deploy" the graft. Any help or opinions/suggestions would be great.

Suggested coding from supplier is:
Procedure code selection is always at the treating provider’s discretion and clinical judgment to best reflect their work. Based on recommendations from our independent coding consultants, the CPTs in our 2020 Coding Guide will include:• • Harvest Day - Full Thickness Skin Graft CPT 15200-15260 with modifier -52• • Deployment Day - Full Thickness Skin Graft CPT 15200-15260 with modifier -52 and modifier -58
• • If appropriate, Surgical Graft Site Preparation CPT 15002 or 15004 procedures may also be used Full Thickness Skin Graft (FTSG) codes are meant to address both harvest and deployment. Since these are divided into separate procedures when SkinTE is used, the HCP should use the -52 modifier at both harvest and deployment to reflect that they are only performing a portion (i.e. ½) of the coded procedure.