Wiki skin lesion


Baker, LA
Best answers
Hi can someone tell me if this should be 11470. Thanks

Skin tags, multiple acquired (L91.8)
2 lesions excised from the perineum. Silver nitrate used to cauterize the bleeding. Clean
dressing applied. Discussed wound care and to report for any evidence of infection or
other concerns.


Procedure: excision of lesion.
Indications for the procedure include the lesion has changed (inflamed skin tag perineum). Risks, benefits, alternatives, infection risk, bleeding risk and risk of allergic reaction were discussed with the patient. Written consent was obtained prior to the procedure. 0.5 ml of lidocaine 1% without epinephrine. The lesion was located on the perineum. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion using Betadine and using alcohol. used an 11 blade to excise the lesion. The base of the wound was cauterized with silver nitrate.
Dressing: The wound was cleaned and a sterile dressing was placed.
Skin Lesion #2:
Procedure Note:
Anesthesia: 0.5 ml of lidocaine 1% without epinephrine. The lesion was located on the perinuem. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion using betadine and using alcohol. 11 blade used to excise the lesion.
The base of the wound was cauterized with silver nitrate.
Patient Status: the patient tolerated the procedure well. Complications: there were no complications. Follow-up in the office as needed.

Chief Complaint

pt presents with skin tag

History of Present Illness

41 y/o male presents for evaluation of skin tags in perineal region. Irritated one the other day and would like to have removed as he works hard and they are causing discomfort. Has had tags frozen off previously.
Skin: 1 inflamed tag in the perineum and 1 smaller tag just above to the right of the inflamed lesion