Wiki Skin Grafting HELP!


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Unsure how I would code this case in CPT. Any assistance would be appreciated!!!!

Procedures Performed:
Removal of Full Thickness skin graft bolster
Unroofing of 50% of facial skin graft
Evacuation of large sub full thickness skin graft hematoma
Suture ligation of four arterial bleeding points
Irrigation of wound and graft with dilute antibiotic solution
Partial reattachment of facial skin graft with interrupted sutures.

Patient was positioned supine on bed and the bolster for the full thickness skin graft. Sutures were removed and bolster was removed. There was a large hematoma beneath the full thickness skin graft and the graft appeared to have questionable viability with venous congestion and it appears plethoric. Sutures were removed from 50% of the circumference of the graft and it was reflected back on itself. The wound was irrigated multiple times. Interrupted sutures were place in a figure eight fashion x 4 for arterial bleeding points. The wound was irrigated multiple times with a dilute antibiotic solution. The skin graft was then reflected back into its bed and reaffixed to the surrounding tissues using interrupted absorbable sutures.
Last edited:
graft revision

I would code 10140 with 10180. I checked the CCI edits for these two codes, and there are no conflicts.

It looks like no infection is mentioned, so perhaps just 10140. I don't think you can separate out the skin repair.
Suture of the arterial bleeds?

Thank You turtlebeest!

So you do not think that we should code anything for the arterial bleed sutures?