Wiki Sitting for CGIC Exam in November


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Hey folks, I currently have a CPC and have been coding for a Gi practice for over 2 years. I'm scheduled to take the CGIC exam in November (2013) and want to know if anyone has suggestions for reference materials. I have my CPC and ICD-9 and the practice tests and AAPC's study guide.

Any other suggestions? Thanks

k. radomile, CCA, CPC
Good Morning,

I sat for the CGIC after 10 years in the field. I did not use a study guide but I did familiarize myself with procedures that my physicians did not typical perform. Such as the liver biopsy, paracentesis, Ph Study and Double Ballon Endo. The AAPC does have a study guide but seeing as you are an experienced coder and having sat for the exam, Im sure you'll do well.

Good Luck!