Wiki Sis

Cincinnati, OH
Best answers
Does anyone have experience coding SIS? The codes are 58340 and 76831. The ultrasound tech is billing 58340 and the MD is doing the same. Should the tech bill 76831-tc and MD 76831-26, 58340? This is in a doctors office.
If your office owns the ultrasound equipment then the ultrasound portion would be billed as the global.This will still need the saved images and a report(intrep) in order to bill both components.

The 58340 is the procedure portion and the physician should be documented all the steps taken to catheterize and instill the contrast material. We just went over this with some of our GYN docs.

We see where they often do an EMB at the same time, this is also separately reportable with documentation of course.

I hope this helps.