I work for 4 ENT physicians and the following is the sinus portion of the op note. We are getting more denials for code31231. Please let me know if I should be submitting it with a modifier 52.
"Using a 30 degree Strotz-Hopkins telescope, the middle meatus was visualized and a 26 olive-tipped suction with Lukens trap attached was inserted into the maxillary sinus to take separate cultures from both maxillary sinuses. Afrin soaked pledgets were then placed into the nasal cavity on each side to provide hemostatis."
Any help would be appreciated........
"Using a 30 degree Strotz-Hopkins telescope, the middle meatus was visualized and a 26 olive-tipped suction with Lukens trap attached was inserted into the maxillary sinus to take separate cultures from both maxillary sinuses. Afrin soaked pledgets were then placed into the nasal cavity on each side to provide hemostatis."
Any help would be appreciated........