Wiki Significantly Seperate? Thoughts and opinions


Local Chapter Officer
Hooper, UT
Best answers
In our practice we have patients come in all the time for pre-planned procedures (oral food challenge as an example). Some of these patients have asthma or other chronic conditions that the doctor briefly checks EACH TIME before performing the procedure. Some of these patients will come in multiple times per month for these types of procedures.

I haven't been considering these brief reviews of the patient's asthma prior to an oral food challenge as separately identifiable unless there is an exacerbation or something new going on, however I don't want to leave money on the table either. Thoughts or opinions are helpful.
E&M at the same time as a minor procedure (0-10 day global) is bundled into the procedure per CCI edits. If the evaluation of other conditions/allergies is done as a matter of course before the procedure, then it's not separately identifiable. Acute new conditions, or severe exacerbation of an exisiting condition, resulting in a change of a treatment plan would constitute a separately identifiable visit. This is definitely an exception, and not the rule. You're not leaving $ on the table with your line of thinking---you're coding correctly.
Thank you so much for your response Pam. It's nice to have things reconfirmed.

Thank you!
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