Wiki Sick Baby DX sequence (hospital)


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Have a newborn, born sick, that 1st coder put V30.01 as primary dx w/770.6 newborn transitory tachypnea as 2ndry dx, but w/NICU R&B. Blue Cross is denying to bill well baby charges w/mom's charges due to dx. The 2nd coder to review says that the sequence is correct. Should this be billed just with the 770.6?

Thank you.
No it is correct as listed by the first coder. The V30.x is first listed only, it does not say the baby is born well it says the baby is born alive. Then you put any sick codes secondary, think of it this way, the baby must be born before it can be sick. You should appeal. This is assuming this is the birth admission and not a readmission for a sick baby. But you do need to have a different claim for the baby it cannot be billed on the same claim with moms charges.