Wiki Siamese twins

Bobby A

Dittmer , MO
Best answers
Curious about coding when you are dealing with Siamese twins. Anyone know much about this....Lets say one needs an operation on the upper right eye lid...What modifier would you use for just one of the twins????????
Ok, at the risk of sounding like the political police, I believe the correct term is "conjoined twins".

As such, they are two separate individuals. You'd code according to the affected twin. There might be a need to code with a -22 modifier, and I'd certainly submit with notes, particularly if there will be charges submitted for the other twin who will likely be impacted by the anesthesia administered to the affected twin. Because this is such an unusual circumstance, the twins will likely be provided with a case manager from the insurance company, who may work with you to make sure your cases are coded so that they will be reimbursed.