Wiki Shortening of C-wire

He wrote C Wires in the summary, but it was actually a pin. Here are the notes: One of the pins had pierced the skin and the tip could be easily felt. The second pin was pressing against the undersurface of the skin. A small incision was made at the protruding pin and the pin was exposed and shortened with a wire cutter. Once suture was placed in the incision. Thanks for your help!
He wrote C Wires in the summary, but it was actually a pin. Here are the notes: One of the pins had pierced the skin and the tip could be easily felt. The second pin was pressing against the undersurface of the skin. A small incision was made at the protruding pin and the pin was exposed and shortened with a wire cutter. Once suture was placed in the incision. Thanks for your help!

was this done in the office?
I think its going to be unlisted, but I have posted this on the ortho list serve to verify, I will let you know what I find out.
Thanks so much! I'm new to this forum, how do you go about posting on the list serve? I have 3 other cases that I'm not getting answers to and could use someone's opinion. It seems like when the crazy ?'s come, they come all at once!