Wiki Short Stay at one Hosp/ Cath and admit at another

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I have Dr. A that saw patient at hospital A during a 23hr observation stay. He is the admitting doctor. Then patient is moved the same day and admitted to Hospital B and seen by our Dr. B who then performs a cath and stent. Dr A visits day two at second hospital for discharge. How would I code this? Dr. A wants to be paid for seeing the patient at the first hospital but I am not sure how to code that and on the same day another admit and procedures? Please help!!
Procedure codes 99234-99236 are for observation admit and discharge same date - out patient -for first hospital. The second hospital - if patient came in through ER and was admitted - bill the admission if Dr B was admitting doctor. If patient was admitted to hospital B for the surgery, then only bill the surgery and subsequent day or discharge.

We have one hospital that does heart caths but no stents. Patient is then transferred to 2nd hospital for stent part.