Wiki Shingle vaccination


Orlando, FL
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My doctor will give shingle vaccination but I just want to know if medicare will pay for it and what code should I use. Please advise. Need Help.
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I believe that Medicare Part B does NOT cover the Zostavax; however, it is covered under Medicare Part D, so if patients have a doctor's order, they can have their pharmacist give them the shot and get it reimbursed through the pharmacy under Part D, if they have a Part D plan.
Shingles Vaccine

I work for a pharmacist and they give the shingles vaccine all the time. The vaccine is billed under Part D Plan.
dx for shingles (zoster) vaccine

Hi there,
I'm new to family practice and want to get this right. Can anyone send me in the right direction for the dx for this vaccine. thanks
Shingles Vaccine

How do you bill Blue Care Network for the Shingles Vaccine for a 68 yr old still working patient that has full coverage under BCN and doesnt have Medicare.