Wiki Severe Sepsis with Septic Shock - documented

Mindy Davis

Allons, TN
Best answers
If severe sepsis with septic shock is documented as the dx in the disposition but no underlying infection or acute organ dysfunction is noted (because cultures aren't back) how would I need to code this chart. Is there a code for unknown infection?

You should read the guidelines for sepsis coding and sequencing.
As far as the coding for the organism, here is what they state:
For a diagnosis of sepsis, assign the appropriate code for the underlying systemic infection. If the type of infection or causal organism is not further specified, assign code A41.9, Sepsis, unspecified organism.
A code from subcategory R65.2, Severe sepsis, should not be assigned unless severe sepsis or an associated acute organ dysfunction is documented.
Thank you! I wish the ICD-10 would have reference the page # that the guidelines are on. it would save a lot of time and confusing.
Just know that the guidelines have a good structure. You start with conventions and then general, then chapter guidelines which are in the same order as the tabular chapters. Infections first all the way through to,the Z last. Many code books now put each chapters guidelines at the beginning of each chapter. The one I use does this, and it does make it easier.