Wiki Servicing/Billing Anesthesiologist


Munhall, PA
Best answers
Good Morning. I don't see a search button to see if this question has been asked before. If you have two anesthesiologists on a case, one starts the case and is there for 45 minutes, another one comes in and finishes the case and is there for 65 minutes, which one is the servicing/billing physician. The one that started the case, or the one with the most time? Thank you
If they're in the same practice, bill one claim with the total time indicating when each provider started/stopped as well. Presuming you're using anesthesia billing software, there is a place to enter each provider and when they were on the case. How this is entered should be an internal policy. Some practices enter the provider who started the case, while others bill with the provider on the case the longest amount of time. You need to discuss this with your team to ensure consistency.

How they're reimbursed is an internal agreement, as only one claim will be submitted. I hope this helps.