Wiki Service provider on Claim form


Oregon City, OR
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Say patient comes in for Chemotherapy only and the RN gives the chemo and the patient never sees the doctor. Would on the claim form you put the RN as the Service Provider or would you put the Doctor as the Billing (that part I know) as well as the Service Provider?

Same with a blood draw who would you put as the Service provider on the actual claim. In the chart it states who actually drew the blood. If we put the MA as the Service provider why wouldn't you put them as the service provider each line item they performed on the claim?

For example

Pt saw Doctor for Breast Cancer Follow up 99213-Provider is service and billing provider
Pt also got a blood draw 36415 MA did the service under the supervision of the Provider in the office. Billing provider is the actual provider.

In the CPT book I found p 221 (when looking at Venipunctures)

A clinical staff member is a person who works under the supervision of a physician or other qualified health professional, and who is allows by law, regulation and facility policy to perform or assist in the performance of a a specific professional service, but does not individually report that professional service. Other polices may also affect who may report specific services.?

After reviewing the claims it appears the service providers name doesn't show up but still for internal EMR reasons how do you think it should post.

What are your thoughts on who the Service Provider on the Claim should be and does anyone know of any place where it states one way or the other in writing?

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