Wiki Seroma Excision


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I have had confilicting answers so I hope I can get someone elses advice :eek:

Pt had a fem/pop gortex byass about one month ago. At the access site of the catheter a Seroma develped. The doctor totaly removes/excision the seroma along with the capsule. Drain was placed alongside the gore-text graft. the normal tissue was then approximated over the graft and around the drain. the remainder of the wound was closed in layers with 3-0 vicryl as subcutaneous and then a subcuticular suture.

The Seroma Capsule had slightly attached itself to the graft.

Now the modifer question 78 or 79? The seroma was not part of the procedure but you could say it was caused by the catheter placed for the procedure. What modifer do you feel is correct?

I would love to get another view on this? :confused:

Thanks so much and hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!
I say 78, it was definitely related. Had they not had the original procedure there would be no seroma.

Laura, CPC, CEMC