Wiki septoplasty help

Jamie Dezenzo

True Blue
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Best answers
Hello all,

Dx pre/post: Deviated nasal septum and acquired nasal deformity
Procedure Performed: Nasal Septoplasty

Findings: external nose had an extensive deformity from previous fracture. The septum anteriorly had been pushed into the left nasal valve area and completely obstructed the left side of the nose. The columella was shortened with a slightly droopy tip.

first standard 30520 done then this part gets me...

"an incision was made between the medial crus of the lower lateral cartilages. The cartilage graft was shaped was inserted between the medial crus and distal for the beginning edge of the nasal spine. This was sutured in place inferiorly w/ 5-0 Monopryl and then closed with figure-of-eight sutures to the columella and to the leading edge of the quadrangular cartilage. Then goes on to state he ourfx'd inferior turbinates (30930)

More like 30520/30400 or even 30420? Thanks for any feedback :)