Wiki Septic Shock vs. Septicemia

septecima & septic shock

No, you may not code septic shock with Septicemia NOS.
You see septic shock with severe septicemia if it was NOS that would mean there wasn't a better diagnosis code for it and that it wasn't listed as severe.
If anyone would like to state otherwise I will not be offended. I would love to have your homework/reasoning please.
Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts on this,
Anesthesia, Pathology, & Laboratory Coder
2013-2014 Brainerd AAPC Chapter President
from the coding guidelines:
Since septic shock indicates the presence of severe sepsis, code 995.92, Severe sepsis, can be assigned with code 785.52, Septic shock, or code 998.02 Postoperative shock, septic, even if the term severe sepsis is not documented in the record.
For cases of septic shock, the code for the systemic infection should be sequenced first, followed by codes 995.92, Severe sepsis and 785.52, Septic shock or 998.02, Postoperative septic shock. Any additional codes for other acute organ dysfunctions should also be assigned. As noted in the sequencing instructions in the Tabular List, the code for septic shock cannot be assigned as a principal diagnosis.
therefore if no systemic infection is documented the 038.9 is first listed followed by 995.92 and then 785.02
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