Wiki Seperate payment for E/M with procedure same day


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Effective 7/1/13, we stopped getting reimbursed for E/M with modifier -57 or -25, when
billed the same day as a procedure, either injections, closed reductions, etc. I was told by the insurance carrier this is due to CCI 19.2 edits.

Does anyone have a link where I can read the changes? Thank you in advance. Mary
we are receiving denials on mod 57 from our mediare carrier NGS as well. Let me know if you find out anything
I have determined that mod 57 ,25,24 were not bypassing edit in july-oct, starting October 1, it has been fixed
There was an error in the NCCI edits published 7/1. This has been corrected with the 10/1 update and most MACS are reopening the claims, but you have to call to get them reopened they're not going back to reprocess.
CCI Edit correction

There was an error in the NCCI edits published 7/1. This has been corrected with the 10/1 update and most MACS are reopening the claims, but you have to call to get them reopened they're not going back to reprocess.

This is great news. Do you have a link to the correction of the Edit? I would like to include something in writing from Medicare/Medicaid when we appeal all our denied claims. Thanks so much, Mary
We had quite a few of these denied claims. We were holding them until the edit was corrected. Oddly enough, all but 2 were recently paid. We did not appeal or resubmit the paid ones. But the 2 we did something with are still "pending"-possibly being ruled out as duplicates?