Wiki Self Pay Patient Deposit


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Has anyone ever heard of taking a deposit for a self pay patient? Is this legal to do or a practice rule? We had a self pay patient who was told at the time of check in (and when they made the appointment) they need to pay at the time of service. They said okay. Patient had visit including a few biopsies. On check out they were asked for the money and patient said they don't have the money. Now we are out the visit as well as the lab. Can we take $150.00 deposit at check in and reimburse them the difference at check out?
Self Pay Deposit

there is nothing that says you can't collect up front. Hospitals do it prior to surgical procedures and I have seen it done with a few physician practices but it can leave a bad taste experience with the patient as you are basically accusing someone of being a dead beat. And patients talk and word could get around about your practice and is that the image (being accusatory and hostile and maybe greedy and uncaring) you want the practice to have? Look at how often this is happening and then adjust your payment policies accordingly. A notice of some kind in writing would be appropriate if you do decide to go this route. Good luck
Self Pay

We have 2 procedures that we perform that insurance usually doesn't pay for and we require the patient to pay up front. One procedure is vasectomy and another is PESA that we do for infertility. The patient is made aware that their insurance will not pay for it ahead of time and the fee that we charge. We have not had an issue. With the vasectomy, when we verify their insurance coverage, we will collect what is stated as the patient's portion if their insurance will pay for it, for instance if they haven't met their deductible or out of pocket. We have a flat fee for patients who are self pay and we collect the amount prior to the procedure.