Wiki Self Pay OB Ultrasounds

Wilmington, NC
Best answers
I am trying to find out appropriate pricing for a self pay patient for some OB scans. I have tried to call around my area, but with automated messages, it is almost impossible to talk to anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking for pricing on:
Anatomy scans
AFI scans
Growth scans

Thank you,
Most practices set their fee schedule as a percentage of the Medicare fee schedule. Whatever calculation you use for fee schedule on other CPT codes could simply be applied here. Similarly, many practices offer a discount to patients paying at the time of visit. If your discount is 10% or 30% or 50%, you would apply the same percentage to these CPT codes.
Most practices set their fee schedule as a percentage of the Medicare fee schedule. Whatever calculation you use for fee schedule on other CPT codes could simply be applied here. Similarly, many practices offer a discount to patients paying at the time of visit. If your discount is 10% or 30% or 50%, you would apply the same percentage to these CPT codes.
Thank you!