Wiki Selective Subclavian Angio


Loganville, GA
Best answers
Is this correct 37215, 36222-RT, 36222-LT?

PROCEDURE: Aortogram, selective left and right carotid angiogram, selective left subclavian angiogram
Description: Access obtained from the right common femoral artery and a 5 French sheath via micropuncture was placed. Then the 0.35 wire was passed through the sheath along with a 5french pigtail and a nonselective aortogram was performed. Subsequently, a JR catheter was used over the wire and selective shots were taken for the left subclavian artery, left and right carotid arteries. There was 90% stenosis in the left subclavian artery at which the artery revealed a lesion which involved the left vertebral artery which was not suitable for angiographic intervention.
36222-50 & 36225.

Instead of submitting with RT/LT it is suggested you bill with modifier 50 indicating a bilateral procedure. Otherwise, it may get denied as duplicate if the RT/LT modifiers are not captured at the insurance level.

I don't see where any stents were placed. Am I over looking that?
