Wiki Selective Subclavian Angio - carotid angiogram


Loganville, GA
Best answers
Is this correct 37215, 36222-RT, 36222-LT?

PROCEDURE: Aortogram, selective left and right carotid angiogram, selective left subclavian angiogram
Description: Access obtained from the right common femoral artery and a 5 French sheath via micropuncture was placed. Then the 0.35 wire was passed through the sheath along with a 5french pigtail and a nonselective aortogram was performed. Subsequently, a JR catheter was used over the wire and selective shots were taken for the left subclavian artery, left and right carotid arteries. There was 90% stenosis in the left subclavian artery at which the artery revealed a lesion which involved the left vertebral artery which was not suitable for angiographic intervention.
Yes you are correct but I would bill 36222-50 as CPT suggests using modifier 50 when bilateral sides are performed.

Also, it appears a selective subclavian angio was done, if so, I would bill 75710-26.

One thing here. Use 75710 when subclavian artery imaging shows occlusion of the vertebral artery, unless the "absence" of the left vertebral artery is due to its direct origin off the arch. Use 36225 instead of 75710 when left subclavian injection is performed in a patient with occluded vertebral origin when images show reconstitution of the vertebral artery in the neck. Cath placement is bundled.
