Wiki selective cath placement for cerebral angio


Victoria, MN
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Hi all--

Can you please comment to help me confirm the appropriate 36000 series for this given cerebral angiogram scenario?

Patient is normal arch arterial anatomy.
RFA approach.

If you selectively engage...

Left Vertebral
Left Common Carotid
Left Internal Carotid
Left External Carotid

You catheter placements are:
36216 -- left vertebral
36216 -- left internal carotid
36218 -- left external carotid
Hi all--

Can you please comment to help me confirm the appropriate 36000 series for this given cerebral angiogram scenario?

Patient is normal arch arterial anatomy.
RFA approach.

If you selectively engage...

Left Vertebral
Left Common Carotid
Left Internal Carotid
Left External Carotid

You catheter placements are:
36216 -- left vertebral
36216 -- left internal carotid
36218 -- left external carotid

You got it!!!
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC:D
Thanks for the help, now Ive just got one more really tricky one that I don't understand

Normal arch, RFA approach

Posterior Comm from Right
Posterior Comm from Left
Right Middle Cerebral
Left Middle Cerebral

I get cath placements of:
36217 - R ICA
36218 - Post Comm from Right
36218 - R Middle Cerebral

36217 - Left Middle Cerebral
36218 - Post Comm from Left

But when I looked this up in a book I got from a consultant they coded
On the Right:

On the Left:

Why not the extra 36218 on the right?
Thanks for the help, now Ive just got one more really tricky one that I don't understand

Normal arch, RFA approach

Posterior Comm from Right
Posterior Comm from Left
Right Middle Cerebral
Left Middle Cerebral

I get cath placements of:
36217 - R ICA
36218 - Post Comm from Right
36218 - R Middle Cerebral

36217 - Left Middle Cerebral
36218 - Post Comm from Left

But when I looked this up in a book I got from a consultant they coded
On the Right:
36217 this is for the Right Posterior Communicating Artery
36218 this is for the Right Middle Cerebral Artery

On the Left:
36217 LT PCA
36218 LT MCA
Why not the extra 36218 on the right?

Selecting the RPCA or RMCA requires navigation through the RICA, so it is part of the pathway and is not separately coded. This is actually the same as on the left and I noticed you did not code the LICA. Did I miss something?

HTH :)
I think i get this, so since we went through the R ICA to get to the posterior commmunicating, we code to the highest order of selectivity which is the posterior communicating. Even though the RICA is 36217 and the posterior is 36217 as well. So I end up with the two catheter placements of 36217 for the posterior communicating on the right and 36218 for my cath placement to the right middle cerebral?

I guess I must be getting hung up on the fact that I think the RICA is my highest level of selectivitiy as far as the CPT codes go (36217) and therefore I need to make sure it is coded. But we "went through it, so I lose it" in order to get to the posterior communicating, right?

Thanks for the help! These vessels way up in the brain are my weak spot that I want to make sure I figure out :)