Wiki SEEKING remote CPC position


Leander, TX
Best answers
I recently earned my CPC certification and Im looking for either a contract remote position or something part/full time. Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my foot in the door with a company? I just had a baby so working at a facility wont really work for me right now.
Remote coding position

I have been through a dozen of websites posting Resume and it seems to land a remote position you need to have at least three years experience. I am also a newby, if I hear of any remote companies willing to give a new coder a chance I will post. Congrats on the new edition!
I have been through a dozen of websites posting Resume and it seems to land a remote position you need to have at least three years experience. I am also a newby, if I hear of any remote companies willing to give a new coder a chance I will post. Congrats on the new edition!

Any reputable remote company worth its salt sets difficult assessment tests for their coders.
At the end of the day they have a responsibility to themselves, but more importantly to their clients. This is why they require at least 3 years experience. I have over 5 years experience and find the assessment tests difficult.
The days of going into coding thinking you'll have a nice cushy existence working from home in your pajamas from day 1 no longer exist.
Get good specialty experience(a lot want ED coders), and then look at remote work.